Sunrise at White Sands…it’s like you’re in a different world.

We enjoyed another day running around the dunes

Camping spot

On our drive out we met a legit older couple in an earthroamer and talked with them for a bit, They travelled the world via a powerboat 10 years ago,

Then we took off and headed to Carlsbad Caverns.

On the way we drove past this guy. Only read his sign “Walking America” as we drove past. It warranted a turn around even though it took at least a mile to find one. We stoped for a bit and chatted in the middle of the road and gave him some beer and chocolate. It was much appreciated as he was about to hunker down a few miles up the road. He’s been on the road since April and plans to walk up to Alaska.

We stopped in Artesia for dinner. Didn’t realize how big oil was down in this area.