Two Twenty Twenty. 👐🏼 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣

What a fun day we had. Even though the cold weather continues to follow us…even down here in the south.

The kids had a lot of fun hanging out with Isaac and Aliyah and so did we. We weren’t sure what their plan was but we were hoping they would hang around Guadalupe instead of heading to Carlsbad Caverns. It was supposed to be bad weather so we were assuming they’d head to the caverns. I wanted to hike up Guadalupe Peak with the girls, the tallest peak in Texas. It’s 8.4 miles with 3000’ elevation gain.

Unfortunately the mountain looked like this…

You couldn’t see the top. Well, not even the mudfle

Oh this is what camping at Pine Springs campground at Guadalupe Moubtaibs National Park looks like. Nothing too exciting, but since were out here in the middle of nowhere it wasn’t too bad actually.

We hung out waiting for the clouds/fog to lift a little. Edwin’s designing our future RV. More on this later…

When it was finally late enough in the morning that Vera went out to find Alia, she came back bummed that they were indeed going to the cavern.

Since Guadalupe Peak was out…why go up so high to not be able to see the view…and with the weather uncertain we decided on a shorter 4.5 mile Devil’s Hall hike that didn’t have much elevation gain and followed a wash. It was a better fit for the day.

As we were getting our water and snacks together Jamal came over to say they were in fact not going to the cavern today and they’d love to go on a hike with us. Yay for us. That cheered everyone up for sure.

It was a great little hike up through the canyon. Then down into the wash which led to rock scrambling.

The coolest part was the section called Hikers Staircase.

It ended at what is called Devil’s Hall. Why are so many things in our country called Devil something…👿 ?

The kids really enjoyed hanging out with our new friends. And so did we. Too bad they’re going the exact opposite way of us.

We had planned on heading down to Big Bend, but we also didn’t want to leave our new friends. We ended up staying later while we all hung out and it was a difficult decision to leave. But it’s a 4 hour drive down to Big Bend and we often like driving on the evening and waking up where we want to be instead of leaving in the morning and driving during the day.

Goodbye new friends. Happy we ran into you and got to spend some time you all. We will keep in touch 🙂