We had a fun day driving on the beach, attempting to locate Edwin’s family property, playing catch, and going SWIMMING.

Sign at Beach Access 5
Driving down the beach
Lots of fishermen have their poles set up

Once we got passed the traffic on the beach, we let Daisy out and exercised her for a bit 🙂

We got to what we think Edwin and his family’s property was. Without a super detailed map or internet to help verify location…this was our best guess.

We found this survey marker post but it was just laying on top of the sand so who knows where it came from.

A little bit more beach driving till the end of Island.

Daisy got her exercise for the day,
At the end of the boat lane
Found out there is a calico box crab also known as a leopard crab 🦀
Giant old buoy turned into art

There was so much garbage along the beach. There’s no to tell if it’s from beach goers or if it washed up on the beach. We picked up a tiny amount compared to what we saw .

We’re driving back up north and just went through another border patrol stop, This time they opened the RV door and looked around with a flashlight (without coming in)