We drove up from Austin last night so I could get dropped off at the airport to head home for Zsolt’s birthday party.

Edwin and the girls are on their own for the next 2 days and after they stop by Dealey plaza they were heading to Oklahoma.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, JFK, was our 35th President if the United States from January 1961 until his death in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

The corner where Led Harvey Oswald shot JFK
the window next to the window

After the museum, this was the lunch place.

But not before passing a “furry convention” Yes, everything exists.

Elevator ride up
Where JFK was shot and shot from
View of Dallas

After Dealey Plaza, Edwin and the girls headed up to Oklahoma.

Oklahoma. 20th State.

Chickasaw National Recreation Area.

I was in Athens Bay Area celebrating by brothers 50th birthday. Happy Birthday Z