I’m so happy my mom came on the trip. I think it was great for her and we all enjoyed having her with us. We did a speed drive to Salt Lake City to get her on an airplane. We are going to miss you mom.

The original plan was to leave this morning but after the snowy weather yesterday and the bluebird day today we decided to push it. We woke up early this morning. My mom‘s flight was at 8pm so with the 5 hour drive to Salt Lake City we wanted to be in the car leaving by 1pm 1:30pm the absolute latest. Which also meant our turn around time from the canyon was around 11am.

It was essentially just a speed drive through down to Salt Lake. We drove from Wyoming to Idaho back to Wyoming down into Utah.

Utah. State number 6.

didn’t get to explore, but will be back. hey Fobes do you know there is Bridget everything down here? 😜
after a needed nap by all, canasta playing until we arrived at the airport. i played with mom. the girls kicked our butt