Holy Guacamole. I don’t even know if I can write about today. Today was intense. Luckily I can, because we are all safely on the ground that is level with the ground, but, wow.

Angels Landing is 5.4 round trip hike going up 1,488 feet. The first 2 miles are switchbacks and the last 1/2 to 3/4 miles are along a narrow spine to the top of “angels landing” with drop off on both sides of you at times with only a few feet of rock to walk on and a chain to hold on to.

We did the Angels Landing hike in Zion. I’m so incredibly impressed with the girls today. They were what they needed to be, both smart and strong, but more importantly they were poised. They gave the mountain their respect and thankfully it was given in return

….but need to star at from the beginning…

We woke up early to the do the Canyon Overlook Trail to catch the sunrise. I was happy we had clean laundry and clean floor mats and dog beds so the RV felt clean. The girls were tired and not excited about hiking early in morning even if it was only 1 mile. Thankfully we had some leftover pie from last night and I was smart enough to bring it with a few spoons. The sun warming up the canyon across the way was beautiful. I’m pretty sure they enjoyed it more as they were eating pie.

On our walk back to the car I can hear up ahead that Edwin and Isabella have run into someone we know. Someone from the trip? From the last park we were at? (we will run into the same people traveling the same itinerary for a few days) Even better…its Olivia, Ethan, Emily, & George from Corpus. How awesome to run into you on this trip and how lucky to be on this trail so early in the morning. So fun! We all gave hugs and after chatting for a bit we both continued on our way. Have fun on the rest of your trip to the Grand Canyon 🙂

We drove through the tunnel and went straight to the campground (only 1 open this time of year) but it was all full. This is the first full campground we’ve encountered. Bummer. All was good though because the town of Springdale borders the park and there was an campground close to the entrance into the park. Sweet! Edwin scored us an awesome spot right on the river.

We had planned to hike the Narrows Trail in the Temple of Sinawava. A photographer at Canyonlands told us about it. You have to rent dry suits because you walk up though a canyon in the river. The rental place was right across the street from the campground. Nice. The girl Madison talked us into doing the Narrows tomorrow because they were low on gear so we put up our deposit and decided to go out to breakfast (which was awesome at the Parkhouse Cafe) and hike the Angels Landing hike around lunchtime.

We have talked about this hike for the last few weeks. Edwin and I did this hike 20 years ago. We remember it being a little scary, but it was much scarier this time around. The spine with the chains is over 1/2 mile so its a long ways traveling like that. Don’t know if it is my age. But pretty sure its because the girls were with us. We were ready to turn around at any point, but the girls were steadfast.

The girls were so proud of themselves as they should be. The best part of the hike, their faces when they got to the top, for sure! The feeling of walking out onto angel’s landing itself is indescribable.

Going back down was easier, but not any less nerve-wracking. I’m actually proud of all 4 of us as we maneuvered our way down cautiously but confidently, and of Edwin and myself managing our nerves over the kids during the ascent and descent.

Now that we are back down, Edwin and I have been sitting around the campfire, and we honestly both feel a little ill about it. I’m just happy all ended well. Many people hike this every year but I have to say that I’m feeling like quite the irresponsible parent tonight having brought our kids on that hike. Tons of people have done it, many younger than ours, and for the millionth time we are back down, but don’t know if that was worth the risk in the end?

It is a doable route, however honest mistakes/slips could very easily be deadly. This is my 2nd time up, and pretty sure my last.

Ok, here are some pics, please don’t be mad at us if you think we’re crazy. Truth is I’m still a bit mad at myself.

This picture is making my stomach turn again.

When we were descending we saw a giant condor flying right around the north side of the cliffs. It felt very special. Vera very much enjoyed this sight. We were actually keeping an eye out for the Peregrine Falcon up top, but this proved to be quite a site. The California Condor is the largest flying bird and has a bigger wingspan than an eagle.

You could really see the “fingers” of the condor up close
Edwin is down there in the red shirt with Isabella right in front of him
Oldest person I saw…70
A little dog

We got back to our RV, drove to our campsite, and it was a beautiful sunset on the river. Edwin got us an perfect spot right on the river, had good neighbors, and were beyond happy to enjoy a beer by the fire, on ground connected to more ground, and have a simple yet delicious dinner of hot dogs.

Happiest kids tonight after what they did today and no “real” dinner, just hot dogs and marshmallows

The girls were pooped and went to bed early so Edwin and I got to enjoy the night around the fire…even if we did switch back from being elated/proud/happy/incredulous with an also sickening/disbelief/guilty feelings. The other plus for staying up late…the girls never have enough patience to wait for the fire to get s’more perfect…but Edwin and I usually have ours right before bed.