The FITNESS SF Christmas party is tonight. I thought I had an outfit, but its raining and the last thing I feel like is wearing a skirt or heels in the rain walking around the Transbay building and touring the gym.

I borrowed a few things from friends, but still ran down to Nordstroms last minute and found something comfortable to wear.

The party was fun as usual. There was an open house of the gym, which still has a lot of work to do to get opened this Friday. But every day it is getting closer. In reality, everyone is concentrating on getting the gym ready so it wasn’t the best holiday party but we always have fun…. BUT The food was amazing! The girls spend half the night in the photo booth and we walked home with about 30 strips of pictures. The dessert bar was great. And the best part was by far the girls cat-walking 🐱 with Miss Mark. He was a good teacher and the girls were eating it up.