Operation find Kati’s phone. Was NOT successful. The girls weren’t feeling well or weren’t feeling like skiing so Edwin and I went back to Squaw to go find my phone. With Callie’s metal detector in hand. We had good vibes that we were going to be successful. Veenstra met us at the top of red dog lift and we searched for 2 hours before we stopped. We gave a valiant effort. I really can’t believe we couldn’t find it. Such a bummer. I thankfully have my pictures backed up on iCloud so I wasn’t too concerned about that anymore and my phone was pretty broken so I was ready to get a new phone, but it still had my drivers license, 2 credit cards, and some cash. What a pain it going to be to get those replaced.

Defeated we went down to Olympic village and met up with Matt, a different Matt, Girvan the one I was texting yesterday on the red dog lift which is why I dropped my phone so I should also obviously blame him along with Vera for me dropping my phone 🙁 Matt was having lunch with Roscoe and was waiting for Archie to come down for lunch from ski team. We had lunch and Archie wasn’t up for the afternoon session so we all went back to our house to hang.

Roscoe is just the cutest

The kids played and we watched the KC Chiefs win and the 49ers play and win after them. Off to the Super Bowl they both go. This is going to be a fun match up: Chiefs vs. 49ers.

It was so nice to see Matt and the boys and spend a good chunk of time hanging out. We missed you Amy, we’ll catch you on the flip side.