We were excited to do one last day of skiing. We only made 2 runs happen. It was such a white out at the top Summit it felt dangerous to ski down. We did a run at Roundhouse but it was just time to stop skiing.

Oh, I almost forgot and so bummed I still don’t have a phone and Edwin had left his in the car. How did we not have a camera today?? There were only a handful of people skiing today and when we were about to ski into the chair when we saw Riggins come up. Does anyone have a Riggins trading card from Alpine? Riggins, the cutest golden retriever working dog at Alpine. We of course backed up, said hi, gave pets, but perhaps the best part of our Riggins experience was watching him board the chair lift and get to watch him the whole way up.

It would’ve been nice to get at least a few hours of skiing in before we went home and may very likely be the last Tahoe ski of the season, but alas it was also nice to be at home, watching the snow fall, get the last minute things together, and bake some cookies. Bye Callie, fun last night.