What a beautiful day we had. How lucky we are!!!

Blue skies, crisp snow, plowed streets and campground spots. And I think we saw a total of 12 people today including the 3 employees at the visitor center, 1 at the market, 1 at the gift store and 1 at the lodge. And yes, we spoke to each of them individually.

We walked up to the visitor center, but it didn’t open until 10am, so we farted around the market and the gift shop till it opened. Spent our usual hour or so in the visitor center talking to the employees, watching the movie, and going around the displays.

King’s Canyon National Park and Sequoia National Park are connected and although they are separate national parks they’re almost treated as one. I did not know this but King’s Canyon is a larger canyon the the Grand Canyon. Huh? King’s Canyon also has the 3rd largest Sequoia.

The trail up to Panorama Point (King’s Canyon overlook) isn’t plowed so it is closed to cars…but also means it’s open for hikers and snowshoers. The snow wasn’t so deep and fresh that we didn’t have to rent snowshoes. We did bring our Sorels from Tahoe so we went in those. It was a super fun 5 1/2 mile round trip hike with a constant gentle uphill slope. It was a beautiful mostly sunny day and it was a great little hike.

The overlook was beautiful and it made me want to go down into the canyon even more.

Ok the snow was a little deep places…

The hike back down was even more fun since it was an easy downhill in snow boots.

Apple core 🍎 Apple 🍎 core who’s your friend?

We walked back to camp and Edwin wanted to go down and check out the big General Grant tree, but we ended up just enjoying hanging around at camp…being the ONLY ones 🙂

Dinner of leftover Chinese and I’m busy catching up on the last 2 weeks of this lovely blog.