Daisy woke up with her own Vegas flair this morning.

It really was time to go so we checked out this morning. It was crazy busy. Friday morning of Super Bowl weekend. Happy we were getting out of here. We’ll watch the Super Bowl in the next little town we’re in. I think it’ll be Page.

We walked back to the RV, dropped off Daisy and our things and caught a taxi back to the strip. We never checked out the Venetian or the Wynn hotel and wanted to so we walked around for another hour or 2.

The Wynn hotel entrance.
Aww Siegfried and Roy

We walked back to the RV and on our drive out we stopped by the Vegas sign for a quick picture. There’s a huge line to take a picture underneath it so we just snapped a quick selfie from the side. Smart one V.

Hoover Dam. Oh yeah, Hoover Dam is super close to Vegas. We left Vegas a little after 2 so bit later than we were thinking and had to re-adjust into learning mode quicker than we all thought we would have to.

Hoover dam is a federally protected site so as we arrived to the checkpoint and were asked if we had firearms, we were promptly turned around. Shoot. What do we do now? We went to one of the overlooks of Lake Mead to figure out what we should do next. We didn’t want to just drive past. We kind of felt that Hoover Dam was pretty important for the kids to see during this country wide trip. I was also irresponsibly annoyed at this point that Edwin didn’t just say “no” to the question of fire arms. Although good on you Edwin for not lying, I’m glad you didn’t. Smartie-pants Edwin called an Uber and after we waited for a little while we made it to the visitor center. By that time though it was 4:17. The visitor center is open until 5pm however they don’t let anyone in past 4:15. I do think that we were all a little relieved that we couldn’t didn’t have to walk through another visitor center. Walked all the way across the dam to the Arizona side back again.

Driving in, the bridge across the canyon near the Dam.

Hoover Dam was built during the Great Depression from 1931-1935 and was originally called Boulder Dam before President Herbert Hoover changed the name.

The winged guardian angels over Hoover Dam.

The Dam is just SE of Las Vegas and downriver from the Grand Canyon (<4hrs) If spans the Colorado River over the Black Canyon between the states of Nevada and Arizona. Hoover Dam creates Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the U.S. (when full). It’s a concrete gravity arch dam that is 726’ tall, 1244’ long, and 45’ thick at the top AND 660’ thick at its base.

Which state are you in Vera?
<========== Nevada | Arizona =========>

Super cute story about a dog if you can in large the picture.

And who could pass up a Dam burrito from the Dam café? Too bad it was closed.

After Hoover Dam the sun was already setting and we still had a few hours till we would arrive at Grand Canyon National Park. We pulled into the campground late. Girls were asleep when we arrived. The stars were amazing.

Grand Canyon National Park. 22nd National Park.