We returned to Sanibel Island to ride bikes to the wetlands. It was a nice/serene 4 mile ride through the wetlands and the mangroves. But hot!

Tree šŸ¦€ crab
Careful daisy

The biggest threat to manatees are humans. They are often struck by boats. The ribs get severely injured when struck by a propeller. Below is Vera with 2 rib bones. The injured one below is more than double the size and weight of a healthy rib bone.

The marsh from below
Pelican diving into the water

Everglades National Park. 33rd National Park.

We keep trying to head south. And to less people. Away from all the Coronavirusness. As we drive in to the Everglades we see some trucks out on the side of the road snake hunting. Iā€™m not sure what I have more anxiety about, Coronavirus or the pythons and alligators.

All of a sudden daisy is on a 1ā€™ leash. šŸ¶