We rode all over key west. The girls wanted a day off. They were bummed the pretty city beach was closed. (The county beach was not nearly as nice) I wanted to go to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park which was still open and everyone on the island said it’s the nicest beach on the island. Also it’s located at mile 0 and the girls were not excited about riding bikes all the way there and back again.

We hung out camp and went in the pool. We’ve been hearing chlorine kills the virus so we are going with it. You can taste the chlorine on your lips so they’re definitely putting enough in.

A few of Edwin’s friends he goes fishing with each year live here in the Keys. His friend Mark picked us up for lunch and he took us civilians on a behind the scenes tour of the coast guard base showing us some the boats he was on. The best part was listening to him shoot the sh*t with some old colleagues about what’s going on. It was a pretty neat little tour of the island which we definitely would not have seen otherwise.

Nothing mobilizing as of yet, but we also heard they would be hearing something from the top down later on today.

We stopped for some really tasty sandwiches and went to the military housing beach to sit for a minute.

We got back and it was too late to go swimming in the ocean (because the state park closes at 5) but it meant we had a leisurely evening at the RV park.

Parts of Key West are definitely pretty, but I’m also realizing that a Key West is not for your average tourist. To enjoy the keys you want a lot of 💰 or have some sort of hookup. The island is dense with buildings and the access to the water is not easy. Even riding around the island yesterday and seeing fancy waterfront hotels and we’d look at the beach or really no beach…and be like really?! It’s waterfront yes, but not walk into the ocean and swim waterfront. (Which to me that means waterfront). Understanding if you come to the keys you want a fishing charter. Or scuba diving trips set up. You want to be on a boat. You need a boat down here. Well to play how you’d want to play.

We were really excited to go visit Dry Tortugas National Park and snorkel, but unfortunately it’s temporary closed, so the ferry isn’t going out there right now and no private boat trips either.

Not that we don’t like the keys, but because everything is so expensive, and we don’t want to spend money at the moment anymore, and the uncertainty of the country we decided to cut our 4 night stay to 2, and we are heading out of the keys tomorrow.

Last night we got home late, and we never made the lobster. We definitely didn’t want to be an afterthought meal. Edwin made our surf & turf meal tonight. 🦞 🐄 What a great! And it was delicious. 😋

We picked up these beauties today. Couldn’t pass them up.

Daisy harassment I mean love continues. Oh and the girls finally tried on the Mickey Mouse ears we bought for Daisy at Disney. Daisy is getting together quite a collection of flair 🎩:)