So we were planning on leaving today…until Mark offered to take us out on his boat on Saturday.

We never did make it Fort Zachary so I guess another day may be worth it…

We went to the office to extend our stay 1 more day. We knew this was coming…but we were informed today that no one can stay past Saturday unless you had a 28 day reservation. Key West wants all tourists/non locals off the island and no hotel, RV park etc… is allowed to do any short term rentals.

We rode bikes down to Fort Zachary State Park. I’m really happy we checked it out. It really is a pretty beach/park. And it located literally on the farthest spot, on the southwestern part of Key West, passed mile zero which we biked by.

End of the Road

The park is directly next to the Naval Air Station Key West – Truman Annex. They were doing beach and boat exercises crawling up the sand with automatic weapons 10’ away from the moms and babies playing on the beach. It was entertaining for a hot minute.

Here’s some more iguana 🦎 pics. Or tree chickens as the locals call them.

The word hammock was also used in the Everglades for the Mahogany Hammock. It also refers to a stand of trees often within a contrasting ecosystem.

Now for the bike ride back home. We started out right outside the state park on Hwy 1, mile 0, heading North.

From here we looked at how far we have till home. We’re basically calling the trip at this point. Everything is so uncertain…and for how long?? We’ve got a ways to go…