We’re leaving the Keys today right? Yes of course…just after one more boat ride today.

We had planned leaving a few days ago. We stayed for a boat ride and to meet the Lima 😉 family. Then we were supposed to leave last night after the boat ride. Needless to say we ordered pizza, the kids stayed in the pool till almost 10pm, we stayed the night and were invited to stay and go out on the boat again on Sunday. Hard to say no to these requests.

A few days ago I was like “I don’t know, the keys are nice, but not amazing.” Today I’m like “I think I can live here…”

We went back to the sandbar 🏝 again today. The boys are sharing all the other things they do on the boat. Not sure which one I’d like to do more…go lobstering 🦞, fishing 🎣, or snorkeling out at Looe Key 🤿. The weather is too windy for any of those activities so poor us had to be ok with another day at the sandbar.

Another great day. It’s so nice to have a boat day. Sitting in the shallow water at the sand bar. Playing catch. More skin boarding (but this we all did fall on our butts). And more fried chicken.

This morning we already prepped the kids (or really ourselves) that we are NOT staying for dinner whether we are invited or not, the kids are allowed to go swimming, but only for about 1/2 hour, and we are leaving tonight.

A few days ago the cities of Key West asked/ordered all non locals off the island by Sunday. We decided against Angel’s month offer no matter how tempting it sounds.

It’s time. It’s time to go home.

We were tired, but we knew it would be easier to get on the road tonight. It would be easier to continue being on the road if we stayed in a Walmart parking lot rather than debating if we could go for a morning swim etc…