Christmas is close. We must complete the gingerbread house. So we assembled the house and decorated. The girls really stepped up their decorating game this year. Loving it. Baking in general, making a gingerbread house is definitely one of my favorite memories with my sister as we would get ready for xmas.

good thing vera and edwin went down to le bon bon for swedish fish this am
dancing swedish fish with top hats and candy canes

While I let the girls decorate the house without micromanaging this year… I made a Buche de Noel for Christmas dinner tonight.

We drove the RV up to Nana’s tonight to celebrate Christmas, spend the evening, and have Christmas Eve brunch together. We knew there would be traffic, but wasn’t expecting it to take 2 1/2 hours to get to Santa Rosa. Every time we are in a home for a few days, we inevitably forget what its like to drive our home again. The drive up felt crazy…so much moving.

Nana is an really good cook and of course we had a really nice dinner with Lee and Sally. It was a real nice evening around the Christmas tree. I got an amazing little red hat from Nana for my birthday that Vera quickly adopted and I’m pretty sure I’ll never see it again. Nana had a big brunch planned for the morning so after we enjoyed each other’s company, the lights of the Christmas tree, opened presents, and played some piano we all retired on the early side.