Happy opening day FITNESS SF TransBay.

What a crazy day. The gym opens at 9am this morning, but we went in at 6:30 to do the last minute things. The “lobby” furniture had to be put into place, last minute cleaning, electricians were still in the women’s locker room this morning getting the lights on.

final touches

My parents were in, Edwin was there, Mike, Zsolt’s girls were there filling up soap bottles and we only got out of the locker room at 8:52 this morning.

We didn’t know what to expect. It’s a slow week in the city. We hadn’t focused on pre-selling memberships for the Transbay location like they normally do. Basically they wanted to open up the club on time and be open before the end of the year. We didn’t know what to expect. I had even planned to go to the movies with Edwin that day in the middle of the day.

The day was Great! We had about 10 members waiting outside at 9am ready to work out. The gym was busy all day. We had lots of members coming to check it out. And even without the yoga, spin, and aerobics class rooms not complete we were getting real positive feedback. My brothers are really good at delivering a high quality product, both in design, materials, facilities, equipment, and layout. It was really exciting to see people excited enough to come on opening day, working out. I had gone to the equinox opening day last week to check it out…and you can’t say anything bad about the product they deliver…but when I was their on opening day there was exactly “zero” people working out there.

It’s an amazing space, in an amazing location.

good vibes

Edwin and I were beat by the end of the day but we ended up going out dancing in the city for a minute to listen it’s my cousin Dee‘s husband spent in the city.

DJ Ober in the 🏠