Happy with our day “in” yesterday and we were ready to do more exploring today. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day.

We went to Moro Rock. The road to get there is closed in the winter so we hiked the 2 mile drive out there. Moro Rock stands at 6,725’ tall after climbing the 350 steps up. Going up this narrow staircase brings us back to Angels Landing and still not quite sure how we did it.

It was a nice walk out there only seeing a handful of people, the sun was out, and walked by some other notable big trees.

These first few are on Auto Log, a downed Giant Sequoia that people used to drive on top of They closed it many years Ho because of decay on the tree.

The next few are from tunnel log. 275’ long 21’ at base.

Then we climbed up to the top of Moro Rock.

You got us 🙂 … this next picture makes me laugh because Edwin and I often offer to take pictures for people and somewhere along the way we always do a quick surprise selfie of ourselves. We met this couple on Saturday and Edwin must’ve done it because when we ran into them up at Moro rock and they took a family pic of us. Only just noticing the pic now as I’m going through pics and posting on the blog.

well played, well played

Ok just showed to Edwin after I wrote the post and he said he did NOT take a picture of Jake and Lauren the other day. So it looks like Jake you have the same MO as Edwin. Ha 🙂

Charles Young. 1st African American superintendent

Rude down the hill

Oh and our campsite at Potwisha campground.

We left the park, returned the car, and we are currently driving to Death Valley.

Sequoia National Park. 21st National Park.