It’s going to be a long day after a long night last night.

The need to do laundry was beyond necessary and since we were paying for an RV park we needed to take advantage. It also meant for an early morning to get laundry done and still enjoy the day. The girls were excited to wake up early to swim in the pool.

It was 7am and already hot and muggy outside. The RV park is conveniently located near Louis Armstrong park so we went for a walk after swimming.

Even Daisy was panting.
the “Armstrongs” (nana maiden name)

We went to Acme for a morning breakfast of oysters, gator bites, and soft shell crab. I

A 2nd breakfast of beignets

We were so hot when we got back that we decided to swim for a bit before the swamp tour instead of going to the battlefield.

On to Jean Lafitte National Historic Park.

And then right past for a swamp tour on an air boat. Our tour guide a French Canadian Cajun Crawdaddy…literally. Beyond the air boat ride being fun, seeing many birds, alligators and seeing cypress covered in Spanish moss, Greg himself proved to be quite entertaining. He was sharing his stories of the bayou. He says a lot has changed since he was little. He grew up “on the bayou” he said and he “could find his way all the way to Texas”. The biggest changes he sees are the amount of invasive species both plant and in the water. It’s led to a lot of changes to the ecosystem. The other big influence is being the marsh at the end of the Mississippi. Because of all the dams upriver no sediment comes down the river to replenish the swamp that is constantly eroding from the sea.

View of New Orleans from the bridge
A we left New Orleans we drove right past the RV park.

Back in Mississippi. Heading to Buccaneer State Park with a stop to the Silver Slipper Casino. This was the one place both bayou tour guides told us Is the one place to stop in Mississippi…so we’re just following directions.

Mississippi. 23rd state.

Who would’ve thunk it…there was a 2 hour wait to the coveted casino buffet. We were in kind of disbelief and talked to the people in from the of us and promptly replied “last time we was here the line went all around that way and we waited in line for 5 hours” Seriously!?! So it’s late, we can make food in the RV, but now we’re definitely intrigued. So the girls went out to the RV to watch a movie while Edwin and I tag teamed the line. It actually worked out and I don’t think the live was 2 hours but it was at least a solid hour. The big thing here are the snow crab legs. And I have to say the funnel cake maker was legit. Isabella has also been perfecting her buffet frosty with literally a cone filled with sprinkles.