Day 4. The big and exciting things have been the last few days. Not much at Epcot in terms of rides but we knew we would walk around the world and enjoy the food. But because it was a relaxed day we also weren’t into the crowds and I had had my fill of Disney so it was a hard morning of standing in lines for rides that we felt we should go on even if we didn’t feel as invested in them.

It did end up being quite fun walking around the countries and using up food credits and splitting a meal from each country so we could try something from everywhere. Fish n chips, crepes, falafels, ice cream, sausages, pretzels. We were full by the time we hit China or Mexico. We went to sit down dinner in Japan.

The flower and garden show was also a bonus and provided a lot of entertainment. Especially the Lion King 🦁 🤪

To Cunci, Colleen, & Ildiko
Isabella lives me taking pictures.
On guard

We rode Soaring, which is the same as down in California Adventures, so we rode that 7 years ago. But after riding the Avatar ride, it’s crazy how dated Soaring feels.

Overall we had another good day at Disney. We thought we’d be home early but it’s hard to leave. Plus it worked out that we went on the frozen ride right before closing since it finally had no line. (We weren’t willing to stand in line for 1 1/2 hours for the frozen ride)

After a few days here we finally broke and rented a golf cart for the night/morning. People use them to get from their RV or tent to the main bus area that brings you to the parks instead of waiting for the internal RV park buses.

We ended up having a blast riding it around at night and gave daisy a good run as well.