We spent the whole day on the beach. We were able to bring daisy out to the beach and she enjoyed the water. And Bessie. There is sandbar about 30โ€™ out where it was more shallow and we could play catch.

Isabella found a cool shell on the beach last night so we knew we could find more. Vera found this giant whelk shell but it still had an animal inside so we threw it back. But as we were walking in the water we could find shells in the water. We spent quite a bit of our say shell collecting.

For a break from the sun we rode our bikes down the โ€œstripโ€. Fort Myers has a bit of a trashy vibe but we were just happy to get a spot on a beach period.

Harassment or fun???
Next painting project??
Some colorful rv devorations

Back to the beach for an evening swim.

Daisy photo shoot

Edwin and Vera went swimming whereas Isabella had fun harassing me ๐Ÿ™‚