The Museum of the Rockies (MOR) houses the largest collection of dinosaur fossils in the country. A lot of dinosaur remnants were/are found in the state of Montana. The size of these animals in immense. Ready to show the girls the original Jurassic Park tonight 🙂

The have a T-Rex that still has its lower rib bones, one of the only ones that kept them during fossilization.

They also have the first and only evidence of a female t-Rex. When they sliced the femur bone there was still some soft tissue inside. They analyzed it and it was identical to that of a bird during ovulation. Thus, they house the first and only B-Rex named “Catherine”.

In the back of the skull of the Triceratops is a “ball joint” for a better lack of description. It is still the most spherical shape found in nature up to this date. The ability it gave this animal to move and rotate its head is unbelievable. Pics below.

Then we quickly walked through the Genghis Khan exhibit who ruled from 1206-1227. The Magyars supposedly came over from Mongolia and were also known to be great horseman. Genghis Khan ushered in many new aspects into culture that are still carried on today. Such as, religious freedom / one nation under many Gods, national parks/preserves, ground beef, forks (which were until then considered to be effeminate), coal, and a-meritocracy. Even now they say 1 in 16 males share the same Y chromosome as Genghis Khan.