I’ve been very excited to get to Grand Teton National Park. 6th National Park. The cold came early so a lot in the Teton’s is closed, but they do have 2 campgrounds still open. We stayed in Colter Bay and got there with enough light to ride bikes along the water. So spectacular. The Tetons are jaw dropping.

Vera spotted a beaver down in the water and we hung out and watched her work for quite awhile. Even though you know what beavers do, its a completely different thing to watch it happen in person. This beaver was building its dam underneath the boat ramp. It started swimming away from the boat ramp to the shore on the other side over 100 yards away. I’ve never seen Vera move so fast 🙂 She grabbed her bike and biked along the shore to follow the beaver. Threw her bike down and ran along the shore to watch the beaver climb/walk/waddle up on shore, chew down a branch and then back into the water. The rest of us stayed near the boat ramp and we see the beaver back in the water, Vera back on her bike riding fast back towards us. We were hanging out right near her dam when about a few feet away she slammed her tail against the water and dove down with the branch in her mouth. We hung out for at least 10 minutes waiting for the beaver to surface again. How long can beavers hold their breath? I don’t know, we haven’t looked it up yet. Maybe she hung out in her den for awhile since she knew we were watching her.

We decided to ride our bikes along the peninsula to watch the sunset and scope out a place we were could watch the sunrise the next morning. I like it here. Could stand it to be a few degrees warmer, but also imagining the craziness of people that would be here if that was the case.

We were happy to be in a campground tonight where we were able to plug in. The heat was cranked, Edwin made a yummy dinner while we all took showers in the RV for the first time. Don’t worry, we have showered more than once this last month, but we’ve either back at home, taking showers at friends houses or using the public showers at a campground. The showers were warm and successful. Yay! Only one little hiccup… Vera went in first, all was good. My mom went second and of course the fresh water ran out so my poor mom hung out in the shower while Edwin filled up the fresh water. Then the hot water heater wasn’t working. But Edwin is Edwin and is awesome and doesn’t give up so he got it all back up and running. Can’t tell you how good it felt to take a shower tonight after a few days in Yellowstone. We all sat down to a delicious dinner around the table, happy, tired, and CLEAN 🙂 How simple it can be to feel content.

Grand Teton National Park. #6
first look at the Tetons
it was a pretty big animal, like a large raccoon
the beaver fills the gaps with mud
imagine the size of their chimpers
busy little animals