So the reason we did the crazy drive to Salt Lake was for a few reasons. 1. It was the easiest way for my mom to get home 2. The cheapest ($2000 to fly home from the town of Jackson). Too bad we didn’t run into a Hollywood star that my mom could’ve flown home with. 3. But really because our generator started smoking like crazy in Yellowstone and there is a Cummins dealer in Salt Lake. It only has 30 hours on it and we needed to get it fixed.

We had an appointment this am at 9am and were hoping it would be a quick fix. When Edwin fired it up they said they have to bring in the vehicle to their bay to check it out. We decided to be efficient and grab our laundry which we were in need of doing and taking an Uber to the laundromat thinking it would be fixed in the time it took to do laundry. No such luck. They called midway through the wash cycle saying that they would need the vehicle/generator for a week. That they could take out the generator and we could have our RV back and come back next week. Bummer. Then they called another 30 minutes later with more bad news. Taking out the generator would not be so easy and they didn’t have the time/manpower to take it out today so we would have to return on Monday to take out the generator, then return next Friday to pick it back up. Or, pick up the RV and fix it at another location on our route. Double bummer. But we kind of need our generator. Especially with going through cold water, wanting hot showers etc…

So we are making the most of it. I guess this is part of the RV life. We decided to go check out Sundance for a few days, hit up the great Salt Lake and will return on Monday.

Laundry at a laundromat. The girls were excited about what a laundromat is…that quickly faded once we entered. But this is also part of RV living

We are now back in our RV, have clean clothes, and are figuring out what to do next.

waiting for the uber from cummins
nothing like eating tacos from a taco truck over your clean laundry