Rented a car through Turo today highly recommend it, way cheaper than renting it from my car rental place (it’s renting a persons car, thanks Veenstra for the tip).

Since we are getting a hotel room for the night because we didn’t know how long the car would take we decided we had to go see the temple in the middle of downtown. The way the streets are all organized is in a grid. Every street is a number referenced by S 500, 590 W, meaning how many feet away from the Mormon Temple which is at (0,0)

Something I did not know about the Mormon religion is that they currently have a living prophet along with 12 living apostles. They also believe that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are three different beings and humans can attain the same level of holiness as God

Ahh, I’m currently so annoyed because I’m just trying to update this and use my voice dictation and Edwin keeps talking into it to mess me up on purpose and yelling out crazy things about mormons. I went into above the driver bunk… surprise Edwin decided to wake up too and the voice recognition still picks up his voice. So I came back into the bedroom and he followed me back in there, so I close the door but then he did make me laugh because he asked in his girly man voice “can you still hear me through the cracks in the walls?” which of course is YES because you could hear a whisper from one end to the other of the RV

Anyway I have to say I was surprised the Mormon Temple is not as beautiful or grand

as I thought it would be nor where the grounds. The Mormon Temple in Oakland with the gardens is much more magnificent. we really miss the beautiful Stainglass windows that Catholic churches have.

After walking around town we checked into our hotel and decided to chill out and enjoy the pool and watch some regular TV.