We just needed a day of not moving again and it was really nice just sit in the hot springs and so we are planning on doing that again today. This is an area where a lot of dinosaurs are found so we did go to the Wyoming Dinosaur Center, checked out the wind river canyon that we drove through on the way here but didn’t want to stop because we wanted to get to where we were staying for the night, of course went back to the star plunge to have a nice evening soak.

Isabella was sharing the greek gods associated with the planets.
Mercury: Hermès
Venus: Aphrodite
Earth: Gaia
Mars: Ares
Jupiter: Zeus
Saturn: Kronos
Uranus: Uranus
Neptune: Poseidon
Brittle Star fossil from the Jurassic Period ~148 mya
no thank you. this shark lived 10 million years past most other fossilized sharks they have found. species hybodus
another friendly looking one
same guy as above with “mega mouth” on the right

The 2 main things this dinosaur museum is known for is the “Supersaurus” and the “Archaeopteryx”

The archaeopteryx is important because it provided the link between non-avian feathered dinosaurs and modern birds.

Just in case you thought T-Rex 🦖 is scary…


The supersaurus is the longest dinosaur, part of the sauropods and is the largest dinosaur found in Wyoming.

Supersaurus vivianae
an full sized elephant can easily fit inside its rib cage

We then walked into town and had lunch at the One Eyed Buffalo 🐃

this store was worth a stop

You know how I know Edwin’s loud…when he was across the street kiddie corner and we are on the phone with each other but I can hear his voice better from the echo off the brick building without the phone to my ear 😂

Wind River Canyon

mining quartzite from a rock

Walking around hot springs state park. The “big spring” serves the area and 2.1 million gallons flow from it each day. a few They have travertine terraces similar to mammoth hot springs in Yellowstone and they also have a swinging bridge (but not as fun as the one in Libby”

swinging bridge
“Bah-gue-wanna” meaning “smoking waters”

now off for a soak…