We had a great visit with Cunci. We got in our Prince 💜 mini-tour because A) Cunci is a Prince super-fan💜 (she was the oldest girl cousin hence we were only allowed to listen to prince or pick Prince songs for dance routines) and B) because we were in Minneapolis.

when doves 😢

Had fun walking around sculpture park.

p.s. Minneapolis… your “no climbing on sculptures” sign should be bigger before you come over on a loud speaker to say “get off” … especially if one of your sculptures is meant to be climbed on 🙂
the Minneapolis spoon

Had an amazing brunch at the Kenwood.

Who knew…a sake Bloody Mary also tasty.

Then we had a nice walk around the Lake of the Isles, did a little car tour of the University, and downtown and of course stopped at FIRST AVENUE

We went back to Cunci’s, hung out with the dogs, ate dinner, and got ready for a night out to go dancing.

What a fun night going out and dancing! 🎃 👻 💃🏻