Happy šŸŽƒ Halloween šŸ‘»

Athena ~ goddess of war & wisdom
Artemis ~ goddess of the hunt

Ok we get it…itā€™s the coldest October in years. We woke up to snow…it hasnā€™t snowed in October in Madison since 1935.

We thought we were going to head over to Chicago in the next few days but realizing we are not prepared…donā€™t have tickets to a show or a game plan of what to do, And really what makes going to a city fun is being able to walk around and enjoy the sights. But again coldest fall in a while so we decided to wrap back around to Minneapolis and go trick-or-treating with my cousin in her neighborhood. Also it was Veraā€™s birthday two weeks ago and her birthday package from my sister and mom didnā€™t arrive before we left so we decided to swing back by and pick it up.

On the way we stopped into House On The Rock. I didnā€™t know much about except Doug told us to go and Isabella had heard about the infinity room from a book. That in itself was worth the visit, but there was so much more. It had funky old house smell but lots of random dark rooms with built in couches with lots of cool stained glass tables and furniture. We couldā€™ve spent even longer listening to the amount of musical machines he had. You know those pianos that play music on their own, but even grander, full bands playing music. And a giant whale room. A giant 3 story story Moby Dick sperm whale being attacked by a giant kraken. All in all it was entertaining and a good way to spend Halloween in our costumes running around this eccentric house.

hard to see but this is the giant speed whale, you can see some teeth on the upper left. there was a giant octopus šŸ™ band playing under sea in the right
here you can see the eye of the giant kraken attacking the whale
speed whale tooth. He even had narwhal tusks.
Japanese gardens on the oursude

The one blessing about trick or treating in a cold area…the kids are fine not trick or treating for a long time šŸ™‚