ok so crazy day this ended up being…

We had fun with Cunci and Mattia, picked up our packages and decided to head south to Des Moines, Iowa and visit our friend Rachel. Rachel and her 5 year old Kai already had plans for an all Saints Day party that we decided to join. We pulled into Des Moines at 4 and the party didn’t start until 6 and Rachel got of work at 5 so we went to the state capital to look around. Edwin remembers reading somewhere that there was a model of the USS Iowa, the battleship his cousin was on so we went to go check it out.

On our way out they asked if we had seen the library yet and responded “no” to and they said “oh you should come back tomorrow it’s the nicest library’s in the country number 37 on the top 50”. You could’ve told us this 10 minutes ago… but ok.

As we left and started driving through downtown along the Des Moines River we noticed all these Beto O’Rourke signs and a big grouping of people and cameras so I decided jump out of the RV and check it out as Edwin found a parking spot. As I jumped out of the car Edwin was telling me he just heard that Beto O’Rourke had conceded via CNN

So I had just walked in to Beto giving a concession speech to his staff and volunteers. kind of cool. kind of crazy. especially since we just walked into this scenario and neither Edwin or myself follow politics very closely. I started talking to a woman to get some info on what was actually happening and asked her if she knew/was expecting this. She said “No, I just flew in from Texas for this event. I heard on CNN about an hour ago but Beto kept his meet n greet appointment with his volunteers and staff to let us personally know. mean I flew for this. I’m devastated. I’m not going there tonight anymore.” “Where?” I unknowingly asked. “To listen to the candidates.” “Which ones?” “umm, all of them.” “seriously?” “Yes it’s the democratic fundraising and iowa caucus kickoff.”

We walked across the walking bridge which i later found out is the “Iowa Wonen of Achievement Bridge” and went back to the woman to inquire about tickets. How much were they? How can I get some? She straight away offered her ticket up and after I refused she repeatedly said, I can’t go in there, not now, not after what happened, and there’s no one in there Id like to support. I liked Beto that’s why i’m here. She then spoke to some of her friends and came back with 3 more tickets. So sorry Rachel but we have to go check this out. I felt sorry for Beto’s supporters who were down trodden and crying…but we did take advantage of the situation.

It was one of those random days that reinforce why we are on this trip, and helps you believe in the karmic balance of traveling, we didn’t know we’d be in Des Moines till yesterday…

What a trip, we not only listened to Pete, Biden, Yang, Warren, Kamala, Bernie, Bennett, Castro, and the rest of them speak, but felt them speak, felt their energy. It was a very cool experience for all 4 of us. Politically all I have to say I was bummed Tulsi wasn’t in attendance, but again very interesting. I’d say the girls would vote based on the free light up sticks or “colors” of the candidates.

I do have to say I’m continually concerned about the amount of throw away garbage we go through/buy. What about collecting these light up and boom sticks and giving them to a preschool or something before they get immediately dumped in a garbage can.

We did still made it to Rachel’s in time to have the girls fall asleep on the way and have some wine.