Missouri. 14th State.

What a day! so happy we made the detour down here to Kansas City while Brian was here. We ended up going to the Kansas City Chiefs game ❤️💛. This was my first professional football 🏈 game. It was super fun!! I think I’ve only ever been to Cal games before 🐻 💙💛. The energy in the Chiefs Kingdom was great and it was a super entertaining game to watch with the Chiefs winning by three in the last few seconds of the game. 26 – 23

how did we NOT get a picture with you Brian at the game? Don’t know how that happened or didn’t happen 🙁

Oh yeah, but this DID happen…

Even though the attendant at gate three told us the RV entrance was at gate four… Nope, incorrect. 9’ clearance at gate 4 and we are 12.5’. so I had to make a U-turn and three lanes of gridlock traffic trying to enter the stadium parking lot. Lovely. Thankfully I think most people felt bad for us and moved over quite easily as Edwin walked in front, but not so sure because I definitely did not make eye contact with anybody as I drove the 1/2 mile/mile drive out against the grain.

The most annoying part the whole thing was that it considerably ate into our pre-planned tailgating time 🙁

the girls were excited to have guests

Again, so happy we came down to Kansas City well Brian was here with a super fun day at the game and it’s always best to be in a town with somebody who grew up there. We ate awesome barbecue at Gates Barbeque. Worthwhile experience for sure!! Pretty sure my favorite part (other than the amazing bbq of course) was the woman behind the counter yelling at everyone about five people behind the front of the line “what do you want?

Kansas. 15th State.

no welcome to Kansas sign here but Brian did drive us down the middle the street so that 1/2 of us were in Kansas and either 1/2 were in Missouri. Fun times 🙂