Edwin wanted another day to play with Omar so he went to work with him and helped him clean out the catch pits in his car wash.

Thanks Che for playing tour guide and taking us to Colorado National Monument.

Yucca plant with Piñon Pine tree and Utah Juniper in the background.
The Ute Indians pounded the roots of the Yucca to make shampoo and soap.
Utah Juniper berries were used as food in stews.
Nuts from the Pinon Pine Tree similar to pine nuts were used as food.
Getting the seeds out of the Yucca plant
With Che
Ranger packets in action
The Colorado Plateau lifted “up” with an average elevation from 4,000 -7,000 feet above sea level approx 65 mya. Inside the Colorado Plateau is the Colorado National Monument, the “Mighty 5” National parks in Utah, and the Grand Canyon.

We then hung out with Omar’s parents Theresa and Walid

Theresa & Edwin
Isabella, Che, Owen, Hannah
Walid, Omar, Kati