Good morning Arches

We couldn’t leave Arches without doing the Delicate Arch hike. Our plan was to get there early to beat the crowds because it happened to be Saturday, but we enjoyed our morning a little bit too much. Delicate Arch is very neat but I think we had more fun on yesterday’s hike. The Double -O hike had significantly fewer people compared to Delicate Arch and it was a more fun hike with obstacles, but I think it had more to do with walking on the trail in a line of people more or less.

Edwin’s hair is too good to not post both…

Petroglyphs on the way down.


The amount of people is a bit of a bummer but as we talked to the ranger down at the visitor center and I was telling her how many people were there and she said this is nothing, the park feels empty.

We went into Moab to walk around for a bit.

just liked the sign

And then went up to the bike trails just a few miles north of Moab for an early evening ride. What an awesome trail system at “Moab Brands”

The girls were very satisfied with themselves that they kicked mine and Edwin’s butt in canasta.