Rain, lovely rain.  Not the most ideal weather for visiting a national park but perhaps it is ok today.  It did enable us to have a lazy morning and go to a ranger led geology talk which most parks we’ve been to lately have zero ranger talks this time of year.  Which really is a shame for how many people visit the parks in the off season.

There are only 2 paved roads in Capital Reef National Park and 1 was closed due to flash flooding. The other roads are dirt roads so it didn’t leave much for us to explore and none of us were in the mood for a rainy weather walk.  So we went to the off the road Petroglyphs site and the old Fruita school.  Because of the site the kids had falling rock drills.  

petroglyphs panel
Fruita Grade School

Now we are driving on towards Bryce, the not as scenic way, because it is snowing the southern route. We stopped by this cute double decker bus for a tasty mac n cheese burger.

penny hockey

Bryce Canyon National Park. 14th National Park.