The journey begins…where it will lead we do not know yet…but an adventure it will be. Thanks for taking the time to take this journey with us.

There was so much excitement with the decision making process of this trip but that quickly dissipated with the knowledge that we would be leaving behind family and friends whom we dearly love. Oh and the realization of how much work a trip like this is to put together. But we are on the road now, and although i still have a lump in my stomach i feel the sense of adventure and the unknown making its way into my bones.

Love to everyone but most of all to my mom, my sister, and my dear grandmother. I love you all more than words can express and so grateful to be among such strong and amazing women and raising 2 more 🙂

but really most of all… love to my Edwin. Happy Anniversary. 15 years. 08.28.04. Look at us, we talked about this more than 20 years ago and we are really doing it. Pretty Amazing. Thank you. Wouldn’t dream of doing this with anybody but you.

Happy Anniversary Babe, love ya

Thanks Dedi for giving us the white handkerchief sendoff

San Francisco color
The girls enjoying the over drivers seat bunk ride
Fog city
one my favorite tunnels to drive through since I was little