
a Warner family adventure

Day 29. 09.25.19. Mami joins the trip.

My mom flew in to Spokane today and is going to spend a week on the road with us. Nature, kids, and daisy heals all….well can begin to.

Next stop a Yellowstone, but we couldn’t drive by Quinn’s hot springs without stopping for a soak and showing my mom “paradise valley” along the clark fork river. So we went for a swim and camped out along the river at Muchwater ⛺️ Campground. We were the only ones there.

we have a new passenger
daisy therapy
after Quinn’s onesies
wasn’t our campsite but right around the bend

Day 28. 09.24.19. CDA

We left the Bay Area and headed back up to Coeur d’Alene. We had dropped off the RV in Spokane before we left and it was not ready today as it was supposed to. We have lovely friends to stay with, but I was just cranky today. Don’t know if we were in a Oakland for too long, is was a long emotional week or if I was just feeling homeless. Good thing Mudgy & Millie set me straight.

lovely ms. heidi ❤️

Day 27. 09.23.19. Happy Birthday Ani!

We head out tomorrow, back up to Spokane…but we’ve been here long enough now that I am currently feeling like RV what? I have a bathroom, halls, a bed with space around it 🙂

Otherwise had a fun day hanging out with Julia and the kids

Day 26. 09.22.19. Truckee – Oakland.

Haven’t sat with jj in the car for multiple hours in a long time. Felt good.

Here’s a good podcast to listen to about emotional health and disease…

Day 25. 09.21.19. Rubicon Bay.

Today I was officially spent. It was enough just to take the girls for a walk. We did swam back out to the box to check up on the spot. Contradictory to yesterday, the water felt instantly cold. It was still there, with just slightest covering of sand. I think it may even stay there for awhile, snuggled in between 3 giant boulders.

It was just nice to have a mellow day with Julia Mike and the girls.

Day 24. 09.20.19. Rubicon Bay. Nagymama’s final resting place.

I think I cried more today than yesterday…maybe there was too many logistics to allow for real emotions. This morning I went over to Nagymama’s for some leftovers and coffee and lay in her bed listening to Autumn 🍁 Leaves. The amount of times I heard that (dedi’s ringtone) on my moms phone… It was good and needed and I know it was time, but I also know her absence will he felt.

We drove up to Tahoe today to place her ashes in the lake. Man I really went in deep with this experience. I think these last few weeks are the most spiritual I have ever felt.

Lake Tahoe, the most beautiful lake in the world!!! Some say it’s cold, which it is. But man if it’s not the most refreshing body of water I’ve ever swam in, and today was no exception. It didn’t feel cold at first. Not sure if I volunteered or was nominated, but I just knew I would be the one to place the ashes down at the bottom. It’s one of the ways I feel close to my mom because we share a similar sense of doing things.

Everyone was on Sebi’s boat except my mom, Edwin and myself. (thanks Edwin for always staying close) Mom and I scouted for the right spot. Close to the house, about 100’ straight off the pier, but only ~12’ deep. I swam down, placed it in the sand as best I could, and cane up for air. Immediately everyone began tossing rose petals into the lake. It was a beautiful and serene experience.

And then of course a champagne 🥂 toast. Happy Days ❤️ 💜

what a nice view from her bedroom…there are still many things I have to learn

Day 23. 09.19.19. Happy Birthday Nagymama. Happy Days 🥂

It was a beautiful day. The service was full of music and I thought it really turned out nicely. The wake back on Sept 2nd was really the funeral for me so although I was still emotional, I feel I was able to celebrate her life and be present. It was special that so many cousins that I had grown up with flew from Europe and across the country to be here and the nostalgia was magnetic.

Thank you Nagymama for bringing this family together. I have such fond memories of my childhood with all the cousins by the pool. How lucky I am to have grown up with my mom and grandmother by my side. And then to have had 2 girls of my own and be a part of a 4th generation line of women. I feel so fortunate to live life, see, and experience the different stages of life simultaneously. It is something I’ll cherish forever.

cousins – zsolt turn around 🙂
All the great-grandchildren brought the host
love this family pic thanks zoli
big family ❤️
look same ivy background
can you spot us up above?
it’s good to have friends
glad the night didn’t end before we remembered to bring the ice dolphin out

Day 22. 09.18.19. Oakland.

Today began with going to the San Francisco flower mart at 6:30am. I’m so happy I went with my mom, it was a neat experience and it’s simply beautiful to walk through there…its worth going to.. The girls continued working on their report. We also had them write a personal reflection piece on what it means to be a part of a female line with 4 generations. They made me cry.

We finalized the program, got them printed, had fun folding them with cousins, then went to a yummy dinner with everyone…felt like old times mixed with new times.

Kati, Ani, István, Szili, Edwin, Zoli, Csipi
delivering flowers to the church

Day 21. 09.17.19. Oakland.

The girls spent the day doing schoolwork while I helped my mom to get ready for Thursday. They both did typing and math and Isabella is writing a research report on Lassen and Vera is doing one on Crater.

It was a busy and difficult day so it was nice that we went over to Julia’s for a quick dinner and the kids could play for an hour before we picked up Edwin from the airport.

Here are some old pics from some well wishers before left on the trip.

Day 20. 09.16.19. CDA & Oakland

We had a quick day of doing some errands, visiting Figpickels, the coolest toy store still around (if only toyhouse was like this place), and getting in a last minute visit with friends before we flew down to Oakland.

never too old for a mini carousel, right
is it just a bookshelf?
no it’s really a secret door to a speakeasy in a community work office
happy I got to see your awesome office

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