
a Warner family adventure

Day 12. 09.08.19 Idaho

We made it to Idaho! Specifically Coeur d’Alene. 3rd state down.

It was a quick 1 day stop over on our way to Glacier…so not enough time but happy we could spend a day with dear friends. (for those we missed or didn’t reach out to yet…i sincerely apologize…but we’ll be back through next weekend)

Idaho – 3rd state
Our Idaho Family 💕

Day 11. 09.07.19. Crater National Park

Wow what a day! We swam in Crater Lake!

Edwin and I came here back in 2005 with Dozer and our green vanagon. Seeing Crater Lake and it’s sheer beauty amazed me back then. I just would always remember the BLUE. I grew up going to Lake Tahoe, which I would easily say is the most beautiful lake in the world, but there is something special about Crater Lake and its blue. I couldn’t wait to come back and share that same experience with our girls. It truly is breathtaking when you see Crater Lake for the first time, and it was again today. What was even more special about today was because the girls are with us I really learned more about the history and geology of the lake. The junior ranger program offered at the national parks is great!

Crater Lake was once a volcanic mountain called Mount Mazama (didn’t know the name of the mountain before). Unlike the volcanoes in Hawaii where you imagine an eruption with lava flow, when Mount Mazama (at 12,000 ft tall) erupted 7,700 years ago, the structure of the mountain gave way and collapsed down into itself after blowing it’s top. And thus the caldera was born. If Mount Mazama did NOT collapse and was still a mountain today it would be the tallest mountain in Oregon. (right now Mount Hood is the tallest mountain in Oregon at 11,249 ft.) After the caldera cooled, it eventually filled with up with water solely from rain and snowfall. There is 5 trillion gallons of water in the lake. Currently there are NO rivers or lakes that feed INTO or OUT of Crater Lake. Oh, and the island in Crater Lake…is another volcano that began growing but stopped erupting 7,300 years ago.

It was a little overcast today so the BLUE of Crater Lake was not what I remember from years ago, but what we did do this time that we didn’t in 2005 was walk down to the waters edge. I thought you weren’t allowed to swim in Crater Lake, but there is one trail you can get down to the shore and swim. I’m so happy we did. There were times as we were walking down that I would look down and think to myself “Tahoe is just as pretty if not prettier/more blue.” but again, it was overcast today and the difference in the colors of Tahoe from afar on an overcast and sunny day go from dull to vibrant. I remember feeling bummed in that moment that it was overcast and the girls weren’t going to experience the color BLUE I remember seeing years ago. But the waters edge is different story. What we all experienced together today was jumping IN to Crater Lake. It wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be. It wasn’t as cold as the first June swim in Tahoe this year. Anyway, after first jumping off a 10’ rock and swimming straight to shore (because when you do jump into the deepest lake in America part of you wants to get back on land so you don’t sink to the bottom) I dove in off the shore and swam around and opened my eyes under water. Holy guacamole! All I can say is if you have the desire or opportunity…GO! I can’t even explain it. I’ve opened my eyes in Lake Tahoe. It was nothing like it. It was electric! A blue i’ve never even seen before. almost purple. like a mixture of royal blue, turquoise, purple, neon blue all together. It was surreal, like there was a giant electric neon light coming from the depths.

The pics don’t do the lake justice, but I did tell the girls they’ll have to make sure and come back on a blue sunny day.

Oh and the pinnacles, which are petrified fumaroles (steam vents where gas and steam escaped the earths crust).

Crater Lake with Wizard Island in the background
the rangers are always good for more info
but we also have an Edwin who was then explaining about the pyroclastic flow that happened here at Crater
Wizard Island. you can really see how this island was also it’s own little volcano 🌋
The Warner School For Girls Geology and Earth Science teacher
at Pumice Point. found some pumice.
you go miss adventureous
bc 1 pic isn’t enough. here’s for you emily and harper 🙂
will start taking pics of other fun RVs
the pinnacles
old fumaroles or steam vents

Day 10. 09.06.19. OREGON

We made it out of California. 2 states down 🙂

view of Mt. Shasta

Weed, California, just cuz

Day 10. 09.06.19. Look Mami, Carla, look what Isabella pointed out…

“Force Creates Beauty” …just like Isabella cleaning yesterday, force creates beauty. See mami, full circle.

Day 10. 09.06.19. Lassen National Park

Our 1st National Park. Lassen National Park.

We did not explore Lassen to its fullest as Vera was not feeling well and we are trying to make it up to Coeur d’Alene to visit friends and see Glacier before we fly down for my grandmothers funeral/celebration of life on her upcoming 98th bday, 09.19.19

Vera is using her “every kid in a park” to get us a national park pass
it’s good till August 31, 2020
summit lake
the old seismograph
Edwin explaining how it works
working on their junior ranger badge
Lassen in the background
they even do a little ceremony for the junior ranger badge
Subway Cave – Lava tubes outside Lassen

Night 4. 08.31.19 My last night with Nagymama

I grew up in the house we are living in now…and i used to walk up to Nagymama’s on Saturday nights with my treasured “going to grandma’s bag”. This was my last Saturday doing this.

Heartbreaking 💔 and Beautiful ❤️

Day 9. 09.05.19. Warner School for Girls – guest teacher…Nagymama…how to deep clean

My mom led the girls in some much needed deep cleaning of the kitchen. Isabella cleaned the white board for almost 2 hours alone…as my mom was explaining the physics of cleaning. “Isabella, don’t pet the cabinets, use your strength. use your force. you have more force when you use your fingers than your whole hand.”

We got back on the road again and visited Nana up in Santa Rosa

Day 7 & 8. 09.03/04.19. Change Direction.

Feeling at peace but still overcome with emotions of sadness and loss.

It’s been nice to have these days with my family, my mom.

Plus after being out on the road a few days Edwin had to make some adjustments. We added a kayak. Edwin has to fix the 💩 pipe. And so we don’t have to stay in RV parks plugged in, Edwin and Krisztian put on solar but we needed more batteries to hold the charge so Edwin and Krisztian i stalked 2 more batteries. Thanks Kris.

Day 6. 09.02.19 Day of honor and mourning.

It’s been an intense and beautiful and crazy and sad last 2 days. But ultimately feel blessed that we could help you in your journey and honor you the way we felt was right.

it was very cathartic to put our own artwork, words, and love with you
zsolt bought out all the roses
it was a family affair
her last journey
last sunset
the ❤️ was felt

Day 5. 09.01.19 Happy Days Forever

My dear grandmother passed this morning at 8:29am. I’m so sad, happy, and honored all at once. I know she was old and had a wonderful life but it does not ease the pain at the moment. Because she was around for so long and lived close she was a part of my daily life for over 30 years.

There is so much more to say than what I can here, but she created beauty and a sense of family closeness and honor like no other.

Her motto was always “happy days” and she has truly instilled that in all of us. Her 18 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. She was our true matriarch. And she will be sorely missed.

I love you and will hold you in my heart forever.

she was her own movie star
everything was always elegant
she always added color and beauty
who paints their own patio??
and paints her own china because she couldn’t afford to buy. and then makes 3 sets for 3 children.
and sews matching sailor outfits for all the grandchildren
family pic
can you spot the skirt Corpus friends?
the cousins were always together up at Nagymama’s

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