
a Warner family adventure

Day 4. 8.31.19. back to Oakland

Sadly we knew the likelihood of my 97yo grandmother passing would come sooner than later. My mom called me on Saturday morning to come home.

It was a hard drive back knowing the inevitable, but also not quite knowing at the same time. All these old memories poured back into me.

Here’s a few i’d like to share.

she was there from the beginning
my grandmother is who escorted me to Hungary when I was 8. she made me feel safe.
in Waikiki. she travelled with us often. right now all i’m thinking is I should pick up another pink fanny pack
when Isabella was 5 months old we took a “4 generations trip” across Hungary and Germany and followed the route my grandmother made with my uncle (2) and my mom (5 months) when she left Hungary after the war in 1944
we had just moved back from Idaho to be close to family
just couldn’t choose between these 2
up in Truckee. so lucky she was always so active. she would hike up to the top of Squaw even in her 70s
her 90th bday
was always so impressed for how old she was she was always so put together and young at ❤️
3 generation of women
Just last year at her 97th birthday. 09.19.18

shout out to Freddy Bunkers

thanks Freddy for getting this site up and running for us 🙂 this definitely wouldn’t have happened without your help.

we have a “tell us where to go” page. leave any travel tips etc…there

if you would like to comment on a particular “post” or “blog” you have to click on that specific one and then you can leave a comment to us below.

Day 3. 08.30.19. Navarro State Beach

Good Morning Pacific Ocean. It was pretty neat to wake up and see Isabella immediately go out to the beach to write in her journal while Vera opted to journal neat the campfire.

Vera and Edwin went fishing. Unfortunately no luck especially since we saw a few fishing boats in the bay…But pretty sure 1/2 the fun of fishing is casting. Plus it was pretty darn neat to see Vera casting this giant pole into the Pacific Ocean.

While Isabella and I were keeping Edwin and Vera company we spotted a pod of grey whales only about 100 yards off shore. Mesmerizing

Somehow during this morning activities Daisy got into something…bit by a bee? stung by a jellyfish? We don’t know except that her muzzle was all swollen and hard and she started breaking out in hives. Poor baby, you could tell she was not a happy dog and not her usual self.

We had a mellow afternoon of re-arranging the RV as the kitchen was not as well packed away as we thought pre-travel.

…but of course no day at Navarro Beach is complete without driftwood climbing, ocean swimming, campfires, and s’mores

Good Morning Day 3
vera journaling
getting the fishing gear ready
vera getting ready
pretty sure the happiest Edwin has been on the trip thus far
Isabella found an abalone washed up on shore
we didn’t want to eat it bc we didn’t harvest it, but the shell will add to the already immense rock collection going
daisy was not a happy camper today

no day is complete without driftwood climbing and ocean swimming.

08.30.19. Happy Birthday Auntie Colleen. We ❤️ U!!!

Day 2. 08.29.19. Afternoon/Evening. Navarro State Beach, CA

We made it a little further up the coast and found an amazing beach and place to camp. 12 walk in campsites. We had the place to ourselves Thursday night.

Navarro Beach State Beach campground
Navarro beach – left side
Navarro beach – right side
great perch
First swim of the trip. The Pacific Ocean is cold…but not as cold as Lake Tahoe in June 🙂
art class organization
back off to go climb some more logs
tons of driftwood to climb around
sunset beauty

Warner School For Girls – Day 2. 08.29.19

Welcome to the official “Warner School for Girls”. Here was our first day of “on the road learning”

it’s official
inside classroom
good morning
natural ladder
Stillwater cove
hermit crab friend
Red seaweed, looks similar to brown but stretches of you pull it. Brown seaweed breaks.
red fern seaweed
this amazing redwood/fern forest
found an outdoor 1 room schoolhouse on our walk
Fort Ross School. 1885-1973. love the bell
the girls loved the desks
black stemmed five finger fern
page 1/2 of our official ecology book

Night One. All Smiles. Stillwater Cove Regional Park

Day One. 08.28.19.

The journey begins…where it will lead we do not know yet…but an adventure it will be. Thanks for taking the time to take this journey with us.

There was so much excitement with the decision making process of this trip but that quickly dissipated with the knowledge that we would be leaving behind family and friends whom we dearly love. Oh and the realization of how much work a trip like this is to put together. But we are on the road now, and although i still have a lump in my stomach i feel the sense of adventure and the unknown making its way into my bones.

Love to everyone but most of all to my mom, my sister, and my dear grandmother. I love you all more than words can express and so grateful to be among such strong and amazing women and raising 2 more 🙂

but really most of all… love to my Edwin. Happy Anniversary. 15 years. 08.28.04. Look at us, we talked about this more than 20 years ago and we are really doing it. Pretty Amazing. Thank you. Wouldn’t dream of doing this with anybody but you.

Happy Anniversary Babe, love ya

Thanks Dedi for giving us the white handkerchief sendoff

San Francisco color
The girls enjoying the over drivers seat bunk ride
Fog city
one my favorite tunnels to drive through since I was little

Sewing class

The girls were busy sewing around 20 shoe holders for all of our shoes. We used different materials for each shoe for easy and quick access and clean storage in the RV. We are able to store they behind the couch.

vera sewing
customized fit for even edwin’s shoes
daisy always helps somehow
different fabric for each shoe
Edwin’s flip flops are in the orange bag
hard to see but shoes are stored right behind couch next to wall right as you enter

the RV is picked up

we picked up the rv on wednesday August 21, 2019 in Reno. Check out this beauty.

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